Monday, July 27, 2009


This site simply lets me try things for the CSLA session.

Critiques of some of the Web 2.0 apps include:
1) Bighugelabs (by Yvonne Weinstein): Lets you create all sorts of things. The things that my students created were magazine covers and movie posters. It was a fun project for them, but the limitation that we came up against was that there was no way to edit the work once it was saved. In other words, to do the project at school in one period, all the text needed to be entered, the item edited (as many times as the student wanted) and then saved before the end of the period knowing that there would not be an opportunity to make changes again to the poster or cover. If this were a project that students were creating at home, and had plenty of time to create and edit to their heart’s content before saving, it could be a cool thing to do. (You should give it a try) I had to set up a class with passwords, which was not difficult- bighugelabs has a way to do this.
2) Blabberize (By Yvonne Weinstein): Make a mouth move and then record whatever you would like the photo to be saying. The limitation is that the free version has a 30 second maximum recording time.

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